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目的 探讨产前超声和MRI联合诊断泄殖腔外翻综合征(脐膨出、膀胱外翻、肛门闭锁、脊柱裂)的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析2007年以来9例胎儿系统超声和MRI联合诊断的泄殖腔外翻综合征胎儿,总结其各自支持诊断的影像学特征并与其中4例病检结果对照。结果 所有胎儿系统超声和MRI均能诊断泄殖腔外翻综合征,其主要的影像学特征是脐膨出、有皮肤覆盖的腰骶部神经管缺陷、不显示膀胱、肢体缺陷。超声和MRI均较难以显示生殖器的异常和肛门闭锁,但MRI能较明确提示膀胱外翻和肢体骨骼的异常及提示其中一例肛门闭锁。9例均终止妊娠。结论 泄殖腔外翻综合征的特点是有腹壁缺损、脊柱缺陷、不显示膀胱和可能有肢体异常的影像学特征,超声和MRI均能提示该诊断。MRI更能清晰显示膀胱外翻和脊柱异常从而更有力地支持泄殖腔外翻综合征。
Objective To investigate the value in the diagnosis of the OEIS(omphalocele, bladder exstrophy, imperforate anus, spina bifida) complex by prenatal ultrasound combined MRI.Method This was a retrospective study of the nine cases with OEIS complex diagnosed at our center using detailed fetal ultrasound combined MRI since 2007. We summarized the fetal ultrasound and MRI findings that led to the diagnosis and compared them with the four of nine autopsy results. Results All affected fetuses were diagnosed using detailed fetal ultrasound and MRI . The main Prenatal imaging findings were omphalocele, skin-covered lumbosacral neural tube defect, non-visualized bladder and limb defects. Prenatal sonography and MRI failed to detect the abnormal genitalia and anal atresia. But MRI could point out bladder extrophy , limb defects and one case of imperforate anus clearly . the All cases chose to terminate the pregnancies. Conclusions Thecharacteristic of OEIS complex conclude ventral wall defect, spinal defect and a non-visualized bladder with or without limb defects. Diagnosis can be made by ultrasound and MRI.But MRI could support the diagnosis effectively by pointing out bladder extrophy , limb defects and imperforate anus clearly.
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》编辑部 版权所有
地址: 上海市浦东新区高科西路2699号,门诊楼4楼胎儿医学部编辑部 邮政编码: 201204 电话传真: 021-20261150 邮箱: chinjpd@vip.163.com
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