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产前超声诊断单脐动脉、持续性右脐静脉胎儿与畸形的关系探讨 [中文引用][英文引用]

作者:张梅玉 姜静 王春媛 
关键词(英文):single umbilical artery  persistence the right umbilical vein 
DOI: 20120404

目的  探讨产前多普勒超声诊断单脐动脉、持续性右脐静脉胎儿与畸形的关系。方法  对产前超声诊断的163例单脐动脉和64例持续性右脐静脉胎儿合并畸形情况进行回顾性分析。结果 ①单脐动脉胎儿163例,合并畸形48例,畸形检出率29.4%(48/163)。其中心脏异常16例,神经系统异常11例,泌尿生殖系统异常11例,骨骼及肢体异常6例,颜面部异常3例,胸部异常4例,消化系统异常2例。②持续性右脐静脉胎儿64例,合并畸形16例,畸形检出率25%(16/64)。其中心脏异常6例,骨骼及肢体异常5例,神经系统异常、胸部异常、消化系统异常各3例,泌尿生殖系统异常1例。③单脐动脉与持续性右脐静脉同时存在1例,合并有心脏及肺部发育异常。结论 单脐动脉、持续性右脐静脉胎儿,具有合并畸形的高风险性,产前超声检查是首要的检查方法,有重要临床意义。


Objective  To reesearch the relationship of single umbilical artery, persistent right umbilical vein and fetal malformations. Method  A retrospective analysis was made on prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of 163 patients with single umbilical artery and 64 cases with persistent right umbilical vein of fetal malformations. Results  ①Checking 163 cases of single umbilical artery of fetuses, merging other malformations has 48 cases. Checking out rates is 29.4 %(48/163).In which,16 cases of abnormal cardiac abnormalities, 11 cases of abnormal nervous system, 11 cases of genitourinary system, 6 cases of bones and limb abnormalities, 3 cases of facial abnormalities, 4 cases of chest abnormal, 2 cases of digestive abnormalities. ②Checking 64 cases of persistence the right umbilical vein of fetuses. Merging other malformations has 16 cases, checking out rates is 25%(16/64)in which, 6 cases of cardiac abnormalities, 5 cases of skeletal and limb abnormalities, 3 cases of neurological abnormalities, 3 cases of chest abnormalities, 3 cases of digestive abnormalities, 1 case of the genitourinary system anomalies. ③Single umbilical artery and persistent right umbilical vein exist simultaneously in 1 case, combined with cardiac and pulmonary dysplasia.  Conclusions  Single umbilical artery and persistence the right umbilical vein fetuses had high risks rate of merging other malformations. Prenatal ultrasonography is a reliable and effective method in finding feta single umbilical, persistent right umbilical vein and merging other malformations. It is very impotant in clinic trials.


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中文著录格式: 张梅玉,姜静,王春媛.产前超声诊断单脐动脉、持续性右脐静脉胎儿与畸形的关系探讨.中国产前诊断杂志,2012,4(4):14-18.


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