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单脐动脉的分类与妊娠结局(附130例病例报告) [中文引用][英文引用]

To Analyze the Clinical Significance for Classification with Single Umbilical Artery in Obstetrics

作者:赵蕾 肖梅 
作者(英文):Zhao Lei  Xiao Mei 
关键词:单脐动脉 超声 妊娠结局 
关键词(英文):single umbilical artery  classification  fetus  pregnant outcome 
DOI: 20110403

目的 通过对6年130例单脐动脉病例的超声情况、部分染色体检查、病理检查结果、妊娠结局和随访的追踪观察,分析产前超声发现单脐动脉及其分类对妊娠结局的影响。方法 回顾性分析2005年1月至2010年12月间,本院产前超声诊断为单脐动脉的130病例,追踪其临床表现、妊娠结局,对比单纯性单脐动脉的妊娠经过、分娩方式等。结果 有58例胎儿合并其他结构异常(42.6%,58/130,其中有5例产前超声检查、产后染色体检查未见其他异常,产后发现右手4指、无肛、附耳、外耳道闭锁、硬腭裂各一例),72例为单纯单脐动脉(55.4%,72/130)。单脐动脉合并的畸形中最多见为心血管异常,共23例,有78例存活,出生后4例因“早产、窒息”放弃胎儿,1例因“膈疝”放弃胎儿;剖宫产59例,顺产19例。结论 产前诊断胎儿单脐动脉,需多角度、动态观察胎儿的生长发育,在排除胎儿合并其他严重畸形或染色体异常时,可考虑继续妊娠,需警惕胎儿生长受限导致死胎等情况;彩超提示为单纯性单脐动脉或者单脐动脉合并单一畸形者,要警惕可能存在隐匿的彩超无法发现的畸形。


Objective  To analyze the clinical classification and results of pregnancy in 130 cases with single umbilical artery (SUA) found by prenatal ultrasound. Methods  To review 130 fetuses with SUA found in our hospital from January 2005 to December 2010. We followed up their clinical manifestation and pregnancy outcome, then analyses theinfluence of classification with SUA and clinical significance in obstetrics. Results  58 cases combinated other abnormalities with 5 cases had abnormal chromosome, 72 cases were isolated single umbilical artery (ISUA) without abnormal chromosome. In the 78 cases going on with their pregnancy. Conclusions  When we find a fetus with SUA, we should analyze its classification. When the fetal serious structural abnormalities and the chromosome disorders are excluded during the routine second trimester scan and chromosomal abnormalities, the pregnancy can be preceded, but the  latent congenital defects should be identified. Cesarean section is not the only delivery modes.


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中文著录格式: 赵蕾,肖梅.单脐动脉的分类与妊娠结局(附130例病例报告).中国产前诊断杂志,2011,3(4):9-13.
英文著录格式: Zhao,Lei,,Xiao,Mei.To Analyze the Clinical Significance for Classification with Single Umbilical Artery in Obstetrics.No Title Settings,2011,3(4):9-13.



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