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从事产前超声筛查的医生对产前诊断相关知识认知情况调查 [中文引用][英文引用]

DOI: 10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2014.04.001

目的 调查从事产前超声筛查的医生对产前诊断相关知识的知晓情况。方法 本研究以201391718日江苏省产前诊断中心抽查的江苏省内有产前超声诊断资质的机构从事产前诊断的超声医生为研究对象,进行知识问卷调查(包括基本信息、孕早期染色体异常筛查及孕中期超声结构筛查三部分),并将结果进行统计处理和分析。结果 本研究共发放问卷130份,有效问卷127份(97%)。127名参与调研的产前超声筛查医生对孕早期染色体异常产前诊断相关问题总体判断正确率为90.45%,单位隶属科室、超声医生的技术职称及参与产前诊断课题的相关经验与结果判断的准确率有相关性;对孕中期超声结构筛查相关知识的总体判断正确率为86.09%,其中对机械指数(MI)值等安全参数的设定、孕中期胎儿结构筛查的合适孕周的选择正确率较低,且结果判断正确率与学历、医院的等级、参与相关培训的情况等有关。结论 产前超声筛查医生对产前诊断相关知识有较基本的掌握,但有些方面如不同筛查类型的孕周要求、对胎儿超声安全性的认识等方面仍有欠缺,需加强产前诊断相关知识的培训。


Objective To investigate the awareness of knowledge on prenatal diagnosis among prenatal ultrasound screening doctors. Method From 17 to 18, September 2013, sonographers from 27 hospitals which were qualified in prenatal ultrasound diagnosis in Jiangsu Province were surveyed. Questionnaire (including basic information, first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities and ultrasound screening for structural abnormalities in the second trimester of pregnancy) were distributed to each doctor and required to be finished independently in 20 minutes. The results were packed up for statistical analysis. Results 130 questionnaires were distributed and 127 were valid (97%). The overall correct rate for answers related to first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities was 90.45%, while the differences in subordinated departments, technical titles and experience on involving in related studies had positive influence on the results. The overall correct rate for answers related to ultrasound screening for structural abnormalities in the second trimester was 86.09%, and their knowledge of MI (mechanical index) and the best gestational age for ultrasound screening was insufficient. Conclusions The monographers’ awareness on the knowledge of prenatal ultrasound screening was not satisfying enough. In some aspects, especially special requirements on gestational age for ultrasound screening and security awareness on fetus ultrasound screening. Great attention should be paid on the training of related knowledge among these doctors.


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中文著录格式: 李书琴,茹彤,段红蕾,胡娅莉,王志群,李洁,马红梅.从事产前超声筛查的医生对产前诊断相关知识认知情况调查.中国产前诊断杂志,2014,6(4):1-5.
英文著录格式: ..No Title Settings,2014,6(4):1-5.



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