目的 调查产前超声医生对早孕期胎儿超声筛查相关知识知晓情况。方法 本研究以2018年1~12月从事产前超声诊断医生作为调查对象,调查内容主要包括医生基本信息,早孕期胎儿畸形筛查认知度、畸形检出种类和标准切面认知情况。结果 本研究共发放550份问卷,收回有效问卷538份(97.8%)。检出无脑儿/露脑畸形和全身水肿/淋巴水囊肿医生数最多,分别为67.3%和62.5%;检出联体双胎/TRAP和巨膀胱/尿道闭锁医生数最少,分别为24.0%和25.7%。认为NT标准切面和头臂长切面有效的医生最多,分别为91.4%和86.1%;认为静脉导管切面、眼眶切面和脐动脉彩色血流切面有效的医生最少,分别为53.3%、58.7%和59.3%。早孕期检出胎儿畸形和筛查切面认知度与医生学历、医院性质和医院级别有相关性,本科以上、妇幼保健院和三级医院医生认知度最高,基层医院医生认知度较低。结论 有必要建立基层医院好掌握的早孕胎儿畸形筛查标准和技术要求,能排查出早孕期可诊断的严重畸形,以便早孕期胎儿畸形及时发现和转诊。
Objective To investigate the awareness of knowledge on ultrasound screening of the fetus in the first trimester among prenatal ultrasound doctors. Method From January to December 2018, sonographers in prenatal ultrasound diagnosis in Hubei Province were surveyed. The survey mainly included basic information of doctors, awareness of fetal screening in the first trimester, abnormality types and awareness of standard ultrasound views. Results 550 questionnaires were distributed and 538 were valid (97.8%). Anencephaly/exencephaly and anasarca/cystic hygroma were detected by 67.3% and 62.5%,respectively.Conjoined twins/TRAP and megacystic/urethral atresia were detected by 24.0% and 25.7%.The doctors who considered NT standard section and the section between head and arm to be effective were the most,91.4% and 86.1% respectively. The doctors who considered the section of venous catheter, eye socket and umbilical artery blood to be effective were the least,53.3%,58.7% and 59.3%,respectively. Detection of fetal malformation and recognition of screening aspects in the first trimester were correlated with doctors’ education, hospital nature and hospital level. The doctors of bachelor or above degree from maternal and child health care hospital and tertiary hospital had the highest recognition, while the doctors in primary hospitals had the lowest awareness. Conclusions It is necessary to establish the screening standards and technical requirements of fetal malformation in the first trimester for the basic hospitals. Screening for severe deformities that can be diagnosed, fetal malformation can be found and referred to superior hospital in the first trimester.
高艳多,杨小红,陈欣林,陈佩文,冯倩 ,程一鸽.产前超声医生对早孕期胎儿超声筛查相关知识认知情况调查.中国产前诊断杂志,2019,11(4):9-13.
..No Title Settings,2019,11(4):9-13.