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开展胎儿系统超声筛查的研究意义 [中文引用][英文引用]

DOI: 20130402

目的 探讨胎儿系统超声筛查在产前诊断中的价值。方法 回顾性分析1995~2011年在湖北省妇幼保健院行产前超声检查的孕11~40周的资料,得出开展胎儿系统超声筛查后本院产科分娩人数、产前超声检查人次、超声检出胎儿畸形例数、胎儿畸形超声检出率、胎儿畸形检出孕周及畸形病种排序的变化情况。结果 开展胎儿系统超声筛查后:①本院产科分娩人数、产前系统超声检查人次均大幅增长,为正常胎儿顺利分娩提供了依据;②本院超声检出胎儿畸形例数及胎儿畸形超声检出率、本院引产胎儿畸形病检例数逐年递增;③对胎儿各大主要系统畸形的检出时间明显提早,畸形病种排序发生变化;④胎儿染色体检查数量增加,提高了胎儿染色体异常的检出率;⑤各地州市转诊胎儿畸形人数呈明显增长趋势,使本院成为湖北省目前最大的产前诊断中心。结论 规范的胎儿系统超声筛查可显著提高胎儿畸形检出率,降低出生缺陷发生率,全面提高产前诊断质量,保证医疗安全。


Objective  To observe the clinical value of fetal system ultrasound screening in prenatal diagnosis. Method  Retrospectively analyzing the data of Pregnant women at 11~40 gestational weeks who received prenatal ultrasound examination during 1995~2011 in Hubei Maternal and children’s hospital. Analyzing the change in the number of delivery、the number of Pregnant women receiving prenatal ultrasound screening、the number of fetal malformation detected by prenatal ultrasound、the detection rate of fetal malformation by ultrasound、the gestation weeks of fetal malformation and the ranking of fetal malformation, after carrying out the fetal system ultrasound screening in our hospital. Results  As carrying out the fetal system ultrasound screening in our hospital,①the number of delivery and the number of pregnant womenreceiving prenatal ultrasound screening both increased, which ensured the smooth delivery of normal fetus;②the number of fetal malformation detected by prenatal ultrasound、the detection rate of fetal malformation by ultrasound and the number of anomaly fetus received pathological examination increased year by year;③the gestation weeks of fetal malformation detected by prenatal ultrasound was earlier, and the ranking of fetal malformation changed;④the number of fetus receiving chromosome examination increased, so the detection rate of chromosome disease was improved;⑤the number of fetal malformation referred to our hospital increased, making our hospital being the most prenatal diagnosis center in Hubei. Conclusions  Standardized fetal system ultrasound screening could improve the detection rate of fetal malformation, reduce the incidence of birth defects, improve the quality of prenatal diagnosis comprehensively and ensure medical safety.


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中文著录格式: 朱霞,陈欣林,杨小红,李建华,卢丹,肖梅.开展胎儿系统超声筛查的研究意义.中国产前诊断杂志,2013,5(4):3-6.
英文著录格式: ..No Title Settings,2013,5(4):3-6.



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