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云南社区育龄妇女不良妊娠结局的影响因素调查 [中文引用][英文引用]

DOI: 10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2019.02.010

目的 调查并分析云南社区育龄妇女不良妊娠结局发生率,可能的影响因素,以期指导并提高社区生殖健康水平。方法 对研究对象进行生殖健康相关信息的问卷调查、访谈,统计孕妇自然流产、生化妊娠、胚胎停育、引产、死胎等不良妊娠结局的发生率及相关影响因素。结果 育龄妇女年龄大,抽烟,文化程度低,月经不规则,无职业可增加不良妊娠结局发生率。结论 在云南社区人群中,抽烟、社会经济状况差可增加不良妊娠结局发生率。通过加强社区宣教 提高社区妇女的生殖健康意识,可改善社区生育健康状况。


Objective To investigate and analyze the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes among women of reproductive age in Yunnan communities, and try to find out the possible influencing factors, so as to guide and improve the level of reproductive health in communities. Methods Questionnaire survey and interview of reproductive health information were conducted among the subjects, and the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as spontaneous abortion, biochemical pregnancy, fetal missing, induced labor, stillbirth and other factors were counted. Results Older women of childbearing age, smoking, low education, irregular menstruation, no occupation can increase the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Conclusions Smoking and socioeconomic status can increase the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Yunnan community. By strengthening community education and raising women's awareness of reproductive health in the community, the reproductive health status of the community can be improved.


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中文著录格式: 章锦曼,刘红仙,朱婧妍,徐丽华,银益飞,黎冬梅,朱宝生.云南社区育龄妇女不良妊娠结局的影响因素调查.中国产前诊断杂志,2019,11(2):42-45.


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