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目的 发现自然流产组织染色体异常率及染色体异常类型,探讨自然流产的发生与胚胎染色体异常的关系。方法 无菌条件下留取流产胚胎组织,同时进行细胞培养后核型分析和荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)检测。结果 136例流产胚胎组织染色体异常66例,异常率为48.53%;其中主要的染色体类型包括三体型30例(45.45%)、三倍体17例(25.76%)、单体型12例(18.18%)。结论 胚胎染色体异常是导致自然流产发生的主要原因,在临床中有必要对自然流产组织进行染色体的检测。
Objective To determine prevalence and type of chromosomal abnormalities in spontaneous abortion, and explore the correlation between them. Method Abortion tissues were obtained under aseptic conditions, and detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH. Results 66 abnormalities were detected in 136 cases, and the abnormal detection rate was 48.53%.The predominant chromosomal aberrations are trisomies (45.45%), triploidy (25.76%) and monosomy (18.18%). Conclusions Chromosomal abnormality is the main reason of spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to detect chromosome of spontaneous abortion tissues.
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》编辑部 版权所有
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