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目的 探讨早期自然流产病例中绒毛染色体核型检查的必要性和重要性,更好地开展优生优育工作。方法 针对391例早期自然流产患者的绒毛标本进行细胞培养和染色体制备及核型分析。结果 391例早期自然流产绒毛中细胞培养成功159例,成功率为40.7%,其中,染色体核型异常93例,占58.5%,并以常染色体与性染色体三体型最为常见,其次为三倍体和45,X核型。结论 胚胎染色体异常是早期自然流产的主要原因,在临床上对早期自然流产胚胎开展染色体检查有利于判断流产的原因,并达到针对性地指导优生优育的目的。
Objective To investigate the value of karyotyping from abortion villus and identify the reasons of spontaneous abortion. Method 391 cases of spontaneous abortion were cultured for chromosome analysis. Results 159(40.7%)cases were successfully karyotyped. Chromosomal abnormalities were found in 93 cases(58.5%). Conclusions Chromosomal abnormalities were the important reason for early spontaneous abortion. Karyotyping of abortion villus was important to identify the abortion reason, and was a good guide for the next pregnancy.
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》编辑部 版权所有
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