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彩超筛查胎儿先天性心脏病的临床资料分析 [中文引用][英文引用]

Analysis of Clinical Data of Echocardiography in Prenatal Screening for Fetal Congenatal Heart Disease

作者(英文):Yan Pinga Zhang Xiao-hangb Yao Honga Liang Zhi-qinga Chang Qinga 
DOI: 20110402

目的 通过彩色超声心动图产前筛查胎儿先天性心脏结构异常严重异常则选择性终止妊娠部分胎儿行染色体分析以提高先天性心脏病的产前诊断干预水平方法 回顾分析20061月至201012在产科行胎儿系统超声检查11-14周和孕22-26发现胎儿心脏结构异常者的病例资料并结合产前诊断中心胎儿大体解剖染色体异常情况进行综合性分析结果 28 056位孕妇中592例经超声心动图诊断先天性心脏病经引产后尸解及产后随访证实先天性心脏病共8414.19%经尸解或产后随访证实的病例中38例行染色体核型分析发现异常17其中13例为先天性心脏病合并心外畸形者34.21%13/38)。结论 超声诊断先天性心脏病合并心外畸形者应进行产前染色体检查避免染色体异常综合征的患儿出生提高生育质量


Objective To investigate the clinical application value of fetal echocardiography in prenatal screening for fetal congenatal heart disease(CHD), and then perform chromsome karyotype analysis in abnormal fetal in order to elevate the diagnosis accuracy and intervention level for CHD. Methods The clinical data of fetus with CHD who undertook prenatal care in our-patient department during Jan 2006 to Dec 2010 were collected. The data were retrospectively analyzed, and gross anatomic tand chromosome abnormality were comprehensively analyzed. Results Among 28 056 pregnancies, 84 cases (14.19%) of fetal CHD were correctly diagnosed, then 38 patients performed chromosome examination. It revealed 17 chromosome abnormalities among which 13 patients diagnosed as CHD combined other system abnormalities (34.21%). Conclusion If a fetus diagnosed as CHD combined with other organ malformation, it would be better to perform chromosome karyotype analysis to avoid baby born with chromosomal abnormality ayndrome.


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中文著录格式: 阎萍,张晓航,姚宏,梁志清,常青.彩超筛查胎儿先天性心脏病的临床资料分析.中国产前诊断杂志,2011,3(4):4-8.
英文著录格式: Yan,Pinga,Zhang,Xiao-hangb,Yao,Honga,Liang,Zhi-qinga,Chang,Qinga.Analysis of Clinical Data of Echocardiography in Prenatal Screening for Fetal Congenatal Heart Disease.No Title Settings,2011,3(4):4-8.



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