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Study on Effects of MTCT with Integrated Interventions at Kunming from 2007 to 2009

作者:彭瑞宇 王娟丽 
作者(英文):Peng Rui-yu  Wang Li-juan 
分类号:R512.91 R715.5
DOI: 20100402

目的 分析昆明市艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕产妇母婴传播综合干预措施实施情况及其效果,为开展与推广HIV母婴阻断的预防工作提供参考。方法 对2007~2009年昆明市第三人民医院收治的HIV阳性孕产妇的病历资料进行回顾性分析。结果 2007~2009年收治的临产前检出145例HIV阳性孕产妇中,100%接受了母婴传播干预服务,其中35.17%选择终止妊娠,64.83%选择继续妊娠,100%接受了婴幼儿喂养指导。23例HIV感染孕产妇所生婴幼儿接受了随访,其中11例婴儿HIV抗体为阴性,另12例在继续接受随访。结论 昆明市HIV感染孕产妇母婴传播的综合干预措施是有效的,HIV传播阻断综合干预措施是降低 HIV母婴传播的关键,值得大力推广实施。


Objective   To analyze the implementation and effects of HIV-positive mother-to-child transmission(MTCT) with integrated interventions at Kunming, for reference to develop and popularize the prevention of interrupting mother-to-child HIV transmission. Methods  To review the medical records of HIV-positive pregnant women admitted by the Third People’s Hospital of Kunming from 2007 to 2009. Results The hospital admitted 145 HIV positive pregnant women from 2007 to 2009, all cases received MTCT intervention services, of which 35.17 percent chose to terminate the pregnancy, 64.83% chose to continue pregnancy, 100% received infant feeding guide. 23 infants born by maternal HIV infection accepted the follow up, 11 infants with HIV antibodies were negative, and the others to continue follow up. Conclusion It shows effective that to take comprehensive intervention measures in MTCT of HIV-1 in Kunming. The comprehensive interventions of prevention on HIV-1 transmission is key to reduce maternal infant HIV-1 transmission, being worthy of promoting.


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中文著录格式: 彭瑞宇,王娟丽.


英文著录格式: Peng,Rui-yu,,Wang,Li-juan.Study on Effects of MTCT with Integrated Interventions at Kunming from 2007 to 2009.No Title Settings,2010,2(4):5-8.



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